Having taken Monday off for various reasons, I decided to fit in a training ride today. I thought about doing hill intervals and, thankfully, Morgan had the same idea in mind. On our way over to Tunnel Road, Morgan and I discussed the type of training we would be doing. Since Morgan had to be back home by 2:30, we decided to climb Tunnel only two times.
I decided to ride up Tunnel the first time at a pace that would keep my heart rate in the 160's. The start point was Lookout Point and the finish point was the Observation street sign at the top. My hr started at 161 and progressed to:163, 166, 168 and 171. I finished my first ride up the hill in 17:45.
Morgan and I decided to throw in some sprints on our second ride up the hill. Unfortunately, I only had the power to throw in three 15-second sprints. Since I didn't have the energy to fit in more sprints, I tried to keep my hr above 165 for the rest of the ride. I arrived to the top in 18:27 and with a hr of 178.
I had fun training up Tunnel today. Hopefully, I'll be able to learn some hill intervals that will help me get stronger climbing legs and lungs. Who knows, I just may end up doing the Grizzly Peak century with the 8,000+ feet of climbing.
I was hoping that our ride today would help relieve my soreness, but honestly, I am close to limping around right now... Amazing how my biking legs could get so completely wasted on an 11 mile hike!
yay! try this going up tunnel.
3 times up. 1 minute "on" as in, balls to the wall fast... 3 minutes "off" as in spin easy up. Do that all the way up. Should do 4 or 5 intervals up. Then go down and repeat 3 times. That should get you feeling pretty good...or bad.
invite me next time! me love tunnel.
Oh cool! I want to do a lot of training up Tunnel this spring so I'll check in with you for sure!
Beth- Your training idea sounds like a vomit-fest!
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