The interval training participants tonight were: Beth, Alicia, Morgan, Laura and myself.

The first interval felt soooo long. We did one port lap and I figured that we would end our effort somewhere before making that first right-curve turn. Nope, Beth, Laura and Morgan were still pedaling hard up ahead so I kept going. I had to start playing games with myself to distract myself from the heavy breathing I was doing (e.g., tell myself I just had 60 more seconds to go, count down from 60 and then start all over again). It wasn't until we neared the train tracks underneath the bart tracks that we went into our recovery mode. Ughhh, that felt hard!
For the second interval set, Beth sprayed two green lines to mark the start and end points for our sprints. Unfortunately, the green paint was hard to see and we kept having to search for them. Despite our difficulty in finding our start and end lines, I really enjoyed doing the second interval set. It was cool seeing my computer monitor read 25 mph. (Nonetheless, I hope to get faster by the end of the summer.)

The third set was a little confusing at first. However, I did a leadout with Beth and it then became clearer what the objective was. I think this is something I'll need to practice a lot.
After we were done with our intervals, Beth, Laura and I headed over to Manzanita Restaurant in Emeryville/Oakland for a vegetarian dinner. Except for the bland thing in the middle, the dinner was really good.

It was during this meal that I learned that I'm not the only one who eats two lunches at work (lunch # 1 for me is around 11 a.m. and lunch # 2 is around 1:30 p.m.) It turns out that Laura & Beth also eat two lunches while at work! Cool, now I don't feel like such a piggy.

The ride back home was chilly but at least I had a yummy meal in my tummy.
By the way, I measured my quads when I got home and I'm now at 58 cm!!!!! If I keep doing these interval rides, I just may catch up to Beth's 59+ cm quad measurements. Yes!
(Other pics from tonight's ride can be found at my flickr album: