Although I'm certainly not a strong bike climber, I have a special affinity to the Mt. Diablo Hill Climb Time Trial because it was the first bike race I ever did. Sad to say, my finishing time hasn't improved since '06:
2006: My finishing time was 39:22.9 (1st place finishing time was 32:02.0 by Shawn Chapler from EMC/Vellum, 24-women field)
2007: My finishing time was 40:43.2 (1st place finishing time was 32:53.6 by Deb Sandercock from Left Coast, 26-women field)
2008: My finishing time was 40:14.5 (1st place finishing time was 30:27.9 by Susan Lannoo, unattached, 17-women field)
I'd like to think that I would have come in under 40 minutes had I not had to race to the start line (I made it to the start line about 45 seconds before my start time). Could've, should've, would've...whatever. The point is that I need to start kicking my own ass again (i.e., lose weight, train more, drink less wine (scratch that, eating less is enough of a sacrafice).
The nice thing about the Diablo TT is that you can continue riding up the mountain after your race and mull over not having pushed harder on some of the easier sections of the road. The first trip up to the summit, I rode solo and turned around right before the 100-meter,17% grade stretch of road leading up to the summit. On my second trip, I rode with my now-triathlete-but-hopefully-soon-to-be-road-racer boyfriend Rey, Peter Armstrong from Synergy, and Peter's girlfriend, Melissa. Despite my intensifying hunger, I rode to the summit the second time around.
My next goal? The Esparto TT on August 10th.
2006 results: 56:00.4
2007 results: 53:21.7
2008 results: Hopefully, 50:00.0!
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