Thursday, August 30, 2007

The things we'll do for cycling

I've jumped on board with Beth's "Quads Watch". I think I'll even include my calve measurements to see if they grow simultaneously with my calves.

8/29/07: Thursday p.m.


HELMET: 55-59 CM


beth bikes! said...

Sweet! I'll make sure Michiko gets this cause she is keeping track!

place_holder said...

well, gunnar (beth) didn't make sure that i get the digits.

but, it was meant to be...that your digits and i cross path.

thx for including the helmet size, good girl :)

Carol G said...

No problem, Twinkiepatissier. Measuring my quads on Thursdays now gives me something to look forward to on Thursday evenings. (Bewildering comment to non-cycling civilians I'm sure. hehe)

Carol G said...

9/06/07: Thursday p.m.

QUADS: 54 CM (damn it, down 2 cm!! arghh!)
CALVES: 37 CM (up 1 cm...hmmm)

HELMET: 55-59 CM

place_holder said...


awesome, your data is proving my theory: head size does not from riding a bike.

place_holder said...

head size does not "change" from riding a bike.

Carol G said...

QUADS: 56 cm
CALVES: 37 cm
HELMET: 55-59 CM

I haven't been on the bike since the 8/28 port ride because of my trips to L.A. and Lake Shasta. My workouts while on vacation have been limited to running and water skiing. I thought my time off the bike would lead to further quad shrinkage but it did not. However, it's time to get back into serious quad conditioning.

place_holder said...

holy shit, 20mm growth? in a week?!

oh went down by 20mm last week.

place_holder said...

by the way, would you put the measurements up on the front page? so that i don't need to see if there's an update in this comment section?

it will be greatly appreciated.

Carol G said...

Yeah, I was trying to figure out how I could put the weekly measurements outside of this "comments" section. I'll work on it (still haven't quite figured out completely how to maneuver around this site) so that the measurements are more easily accessible.