My bf and I checked out an awesome concert at The Fillmore (my 1st Fillmore attendance, cool venue!)where I ended up coming out looking as if I had just done a two-hour hard core interval training ride. The band was Cavalera Conspiracy and they rocked!

We went to Tahoe in August and rode around the 72-mile perimeter of the lake. Talk about an awesome ride!

We've also been doing long rides (i.e., century rides) in Marin county and the peninsula.

We also went down south for some REAL summer weather. We rode bikes around Catalina Island, played beach volleyball, BBQ'd, played pool at a popular hang-out, and got drunk at a house party.

The biggest event coming up is the Capoeira Batizado in November. (You can read abou its' background here ----> I'm curious to see what official nickname I'm given. I'm thinking about filming my batizado performance and uploading it to youtube to share with my friends. Further details to come. :-)

Carol, Your boyfriend is adorable and you two make the cutest couple. Thanks for keeping us up to date. I saw some peeps doing capoiera at Lake Merritt tonight and I looked for you.
so funny that you posted because I was thinking about you today on my ride and wondering what you've been up to! I was doing repeats on Tunnel and was reminded of the pain we used to endure on our intervals out there. Feel free to join me any time you're in the mood to suffer =) Great pics by the way - your hair looks beautiful and your calves look ripped!
you look very happy:)
Teresa: Thanks for the compliment. :-) People doing capoeira at Lake Merrit, huh? I may have to hang out there and see if I can join in.
Morgan: I miss our interval rides! Let me know ahead of time if you plan on doing a ride before or after work on a MOnday or Wednesday and I'll go into work accordingly. I'd love to ride with you again!
Ms. Marie, I miss chatting with you. Maybe one of these days we can meet up for dinner and/or drinks. (or, maybe even a run!) :-)
Me too, me too!!!
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