“Why do birds suddenly appear
Every time you are near?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you.”
Although I think this Carpenters song is one of the all-time corniest songs (sorry Sheryl) it does capture that feeling of being in love. As many of my friends know, five months ago I posted a craigs list personals ad and met my now-boyfriend, Rey. Rey is a Brazilian triathlete who loves to ride his bike (road and mountain). He’s fun, smart, athletic, nurturing and a good communicator. He is handy with tools and he’s an awesome cook! And, therein lies the problem. I’ve gained a pound for every month we’ve been together. That’s 5 lbs. people!
Rey loves to cook and cooks for us all the time. His food is so damn good I often find myself having seconds. Perhaps not such a good idea when those seconds come in the form of rice with cashew nuts or omelets with cheese. Not to mention that I haven’t been riding consistently due to work, travel and some degree of laziness.
Perhaps I wouldn’t be as self-conscious about my weight gain if Rey wouldn’t grab at my love-handles. Note to guys: DO NOT grab at your woman’s love handles, stomach pooch, or other fatty body part! It does not feel like an affectionate gesture. If you want to be affectionate, give us a kiss on the cheek, hold our hands or give us a warm hug. Reaching for our body fat (other than our boobs or butts) only makes us feel uncomfortable and sooo un-sexy!
Thankfully, Rey is being understanding about my weight gain and has promised to help me lose it. Ideally, I’ll lose the weight faster than I gained it. Just in time for the holidays. ;-)